QMS Audit
A quality management system (QMS) is a collection of business processes and resources that are used to manage quality throughout an organization.
A QMS audit is an independent, objective evaluation of how well the system conforms to its own requirements, as well as to international quality standards. The audit process helps to ensure that the QMS is effective in meeting its objectives, and can identify opportunities for improvement.

How can I prepare for QMS audit?
There are a few things you can do to prepare for a QMS audit.
First, make sure you have all of your documentation in order. This includes your quality manual, procedures, records, and anything else that pertains to your quality management system. If you’re working with a DQM system, this documentation should all be readily available.
Next, conduct a self-audit to identify any areas of your QMS that may need improvement. This will help you to be prepared for any areas that the auditor may focus on.
Finally, make sure you are familiar with the requirements of the standard that you are being audited against. This will help you to understand the auditor's questions and expectations.